Jacob Sheahan, PhD

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Enhancing Networks of Care
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Edinburgh
2023 - Present

Focusing on supporting healthier and more resilient networks of care, I coordinated a work package component that investigated the role of community-led, service-enabled, and technology-driven care networks.

Project - Improving Technology-supported Care Networks

Project - Designing for Ecologies of Care in Later Life

Project - Developing Support Pathways with Caregivers
☞ Briefing (2023): Lessons from Engaging Informal Carers ︎
☞ Grant (2023-2024): Wellcome Trust iTPA Springboard Grant

Designing for Social Engagement in Later Life
PhD Researcher
RMIT University
2019 - 2023

Designing social engagement technologies with older Australians, my doctorate demonstrated how modes of interpretative flexibility can support interaction designers in co-creating with ageing communities.

Long-COVID Patient Journeys
Research Assistant
RMIT University

Recognising the lack of understanding around the experiences of people with long-term, I supported a 3-month study mapping patients' experiences. This analysis highlighted the role of agency and social support in their lives. 

Worksafe by Design
Research Assistant
RMIT University
2021 - 2022

In collaboration with WorkSafe Victoria, I supported the Safeness by Design ︎ undergraduate studio to employ research and design innovation and provoke conversations around creating safer urban environments.

☞ Report (2022): Future of Work Report ︎
☞ Article (2022): Re-Imagining Industrial Design Education ︎
☞ Report (2021): Enabling an Ageing Workforce Report ︎
☞ Article (2022): Designing to Enable an Ageing Workforce ︎

Co-designing Participatory ICT Strategies With Older Adults
Research Assistant
RMIT University
2020 - 2022


I acknowledge the peoples on whose lands I conduct my work, and respectfully acknowledge Ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging.

©2024 Jacob Sheahan