Forthcoming Proceedings
Exploring Generative Postcard Futures with Older Adults ︎
Sheahan, J., Cardamone, E., Vines, J.
NordiCHI 2024, Uppsala, Sweden.
Exploring Generative Postcard Futures with Older Adults ︎
Sheahan, J., Cardamone, E., Vines, J.
NordiCHI 2024, Uppsala, Sweden.
Speculative approaches to technology-enabled ageing futures often struggle against reductive and immaterial imaginaries that diverge from everyday realities, a challenge being compounded by the mainstream embrace of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools. We detail emergent findings from a series of workshops employing a generative postcard approach with a local community group in Scotland. The workshops captured precarious visions, generational perspectives, and potential ways of reconfiguring care futures. We highlight how the techno-deterministic visions of generative AI are both a feature and tool for critique as we link ageing futures with everyday realities.